Eating healthy is often associated with the color green. The health benefits of eating green foods and taking walks in green spaces are undeniable. Even just looking at trees from your window can improve health. While it’s true, green IS good for you, eating healthy shouldn’t and isn’t limited to eating just green veggies, shakes and salads. Much like a bowl of skittles, a balanced healthy plate can be bright and full of color. In fact, it’s just better for you.

More than their appealing appearance, every color you eat offers a different contribution to your nutritional health. Keep in mind that this is just a cliff notes version.

· Red - Fruits and vegetables like strawberries and beets contain the carotenoid lycopene, an antioxidant that helps fight gene-damaging free radicals. Do you know that one red bell pepper contains more vitamin c than a single orange?

· Orange and Yellow - These foods are high in beta carotene which can be converted to Vitamin A, the vitamin responsible for healthy vision and immune function. More than just that, the other benefits of orange foods include better brain, skin, reproductive and heart health.

· Green - Leafy greens are packed with vitamins and minerals. While non leafy greens like broccoli and asparagus contain micronutrients. Green fruit and veggies are also vital to providing the one nutrient nobody seems to consume enough of; fiber.

· Purple and Blue – These foods have a positive effect on brain health, not just because they are mood boosters but because they contain anthocyanins that help with memory, promote healthy aging and are an anti-inflammatory which is good for your blood because it lowers high blood sugar and high blood pressure.

· Brown and White - While these aren’t usually rainbow colors and appear boring in comparison to the colors above, their role in your health should not be minimized. These foods contain allicin which has anti-tumor properties. Foods like onions and garlic improve gut health.

Eating a minimum of 5 servings of fruit and veggies are recommended every day, to reap the best health benefits. Understandably, ensuring that you are eating the rainbow can seem like a massive undertaking. Below are 5 simple strategies to help you eat the rainbow.

1. A little at a time – Making a bowl of just veggies or just fruit might be the easiest way for some people, but if you struggle with eating fruit and veggies, spread it out by adding a serving or two to every meal. At the end of the day, it all adds up.

2. Rethink snacks and desserts – Swap out snacks like health bars for fresh fruit or veggies with dip. For instance, carrots with hummus or even better avocado dip. Dessert can be as simple as a fruit bowl with a squeeze of honey if you’re craving something sweeter.

3. Other forms will do – While fresh is preferred, using frozen fruit when fresh fruit is not in season offers the same health benefits. Try dried fruit - a serving of dried fruit is generally half the size of the same fruit if it were fresh. IE ½ cup of dried apples would equal 1 cup fresh. Just watch out for added sugars.

4. Try something new - Don’t limit yourself to salad and the other usual stuff. At any given time, the produce section at your local grocers will carry a minimum of 30 fruits and veggies. If you see something you’ve never had, try it. You may not like it but if you do, then you’ve added one new food to your diet.

5. Drink your food - Shakes and smoothies are a great way to pack a whole lot of nutrients into one glass. There's no rule to how you mix your fruit and veggies. Add honey for sweetness, nuts for crunch and plain water or plant-based milk if you don’t like your shakes thick.

If you’re struggling to adopt a healthier lifestyle, or perhaps you're looking to optimize your wellbeing for longevity or need to make changes due to a chronic illness. Then consider working with a certified health coach who takes a whole body health approch and incorporates both natural remedies and evidence-based behavior change and health modalities into their practice.

Authors: Shawn Regis, Certified Health Coach | U.S Army Veteran and Alison Regis, Nutritionist | Master Gardener

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